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We are used to clear and transparent communication effectively leading to a successful outcome. You can contact us either directly on a specific email, telephone, or via our web inquiry form. We will be happy to assist you.

Company address

Poděbradova 1920
289 22 Lysá nad Labem
Czech Republic

Entered in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File No 129508
ID: 27959481
VAT No: CZ27959481

Contact persons

Ing. Roman Mokoš
Managing director
E-mail: mokos@metalarsenal.eu

Klára Šitavancová
Sales department
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Benelux, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Israel
Tel.: +420 737 802 153,
+420 311 235 092
E-mail: sitavancova@eccotarp.com

Petra Benešová
Sales department
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Chile, Korea, Scandinavia - Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway
Tel.: +420 777 472 640,
+420 311 235 091
E-mail: benesova@eccotarp.com

Jakub Mokoš
Sales department
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Colombia, Slovenia, Scandinavia - Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Baltics, USA
Tel.: +420 603 117 839
E-mail: jakub.mokos@eccotarp.com

Jaromír Koucký
Production and logistic
Tel.: +420 733 603 374
E-mail: koucky@metalarsenal.eu

Kateřina Černá
Transport, billing
Tel.: +420 722 777 446
E-mail: cerna@metalarsenal.eu

František Pova
Tel.: +420 733 730 759
E-mail: pova@metalarsenal.eu

Veronika Karbanová
Tel.: +420 604 577 590
E-mail: karbanova@eccotarp.com

Accounting Department
Tel.: +420 325 514 723
E-mail: faktury@metalarsenal.eu

Contact us